Melanie Bell

Author, Writer, Editor

The Myth of the Solitary Writer: How to Build a Support Team

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Think of a writer. You’re probably picturing a lone figure with a laptop, right? A big part of being a writer is the writing itself, an activity that’s usually done in solitude by a single individual. However, the work of a writer involves collaboration at multiple levels, even for the most introverted of the bunch (raising my hand here)!

This March I attended the Scottish Association of Writers’ 2018 Conference and witnessed this firsthand. Making connections with other writers offers a peek into just how interconnected we who work on a blank page or screen are with myriad others, seen and unseen.  

Books (and blogs and articles and poems…) don’t exist in isolation. They are influenced by years of reading habits and inspirations. Think about anything you’ve written and you may be able to trace ideas back to things you’ve read or seen, or identify texts that have influenced your style. Reading is what gets most of us interested in writing in the first place, which means that writers inspire other writers.

Look in the acknowledgments section of a book and you’ll find a list of names who have helped the author more directly. Critique groups and individual readers have often given valuable input into what works and what doesn’t. Editors have polished the manuscript to its full potential, and publishers have brought it into the world. Friends and family have offered support through the process of writing and publishing.

It can be motivating to hear others’ perspectives on our writing, and also a good reality check. Critique partners and beta readers approach your manuscript with fresh eyes and can give a first-hand opinion on which aspects appeal to readers and where your manuscript might be strengthened with changes. It’s most helpful to find early readers who enjoy your genre and style, as they’ll want to read the best version of whatever it is you are working on, rather than turning it into something else. They can also let you know if the words on the page convey the things you intend in your head. Once a book is published, the words are out there and people will interpret them in ways you may not have intended. Early readers can point out gaps in understanding and help you clarify your meaning.

If you’re looking to build a support team for your own writing, here are some places to look:

  • Get to know other writers. They’re working towards the same goals as you, and can offer understanding and support.  
  • Seek out critique groups and beta readers to get input on your work. You can find these in person or online.
  • Find books and learning resources that will keep you up to date on the area in which you’re writing.
  • If you’re looking to traditionally publish, reach out to agents and publishers when your manuscript is ready. Publication involves a whole team working to bring your book into readers’ hands.
  • If you’re looking to self-publish, you’ll be assembling that team yourself. Find an editor to help with structure and flow and a proofreader to check for final errors. Unless you’re an artist, you’ll likely want a cover designer as well.
  • Get to know readers! This can be one of the most rewarding aspects of being published: seeing the impact of your (yes, often solitary) work on others.

There are lots of other forms of collaboration that can be helpful for writers. I’ve touched on just a few here. Do you have a favorite?

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